Hybrid Video Recorder – Analog and IP Cameras
Enterprise Digital Recorder
Highly scaleable DVR Software, from Small Business to Medium/Large Business. This unique peer to peer software design supports 32 analog or 32 IP cameras per server, with no limit on the number of servers. Review, print and/or distribute for training, safety or law enforcement purposes. Strong interoperability enables other applications to communicate easily (point of sale, alarm systems, access control, & accounting systems). Text Overlay application allows external data ( POS, ATM, etc.) to be stamped simultaneously on top of the video.
Uses your existing CCTV Analog Cameras or IP Cameras
No special cameras, converters or cables are necessary. Connect up to 16 of your existing Analog cameras and up to 16 IP Cameras, install the software, and have all the features and benefit of a DVR, plus much more.
Hybrid Approach – Analog and IP Cameras
Integrates IP cameras into their existing analog based system, the industry has offered few options except to convert the analog signal to digital with a $400 per single channel camera converters. By utilizing IP Server you can seamlessly integrate IP and Analog cameras. By using the IP Server, you can add the IP camera to the existing network and the IP Server will capture the stream and store the video in the same manner the Video Server stores analog cameras. To view the live or recorded video from the IP cameras, use the Network Client or Web Client which allows you to mix and match IP and Analog cameras from different servers on the same display. You can use the layout setup feature to create saved layouts mixing cameras from IP and Analog servers anywhere on your network.
Video Insight Server – This is installed on a standard Windows based PC and has a PCI card that allows you connect up to 32 cameras on a single server. The Server can be linked to other servers to support hundreds of cameras. The server typically will store the video on its local hard drive but can also be configured to support network storage or other Windows based storage systems. You can view up to 32 video streams in multiple display configurations.
Network Client & Web Client – Used to view live or recorded video from computers on your LAN. And benefit of being able to connect to multiple servers at the same time.
Web Client allows you to view live or recorded video from anywhere with a standard browser with no software or plug-in to load. You can view a single camera or select up to 32 different cameras to view simultaneously. You can control PTZ cameras and playback recorded video.
Central Monitoring Station – Used to view live video from multiple cameras located on multiple servers. Designed to operate on PC’s with multiple monitors and allows you save multiple layouts. You can view the motion log, control PTZ cameras or listen to audio recorded from the server. In addition, you can manage server settings including frame rates and image sizes.
Archiver & Health Monitor – The Archiver is a standalone application that helps you manage recorded video. Allows to recompress or trim the original AVI files to save disk space.
Health Monitor queries each of your servers on a regular basis to ensure server uptime and reporting of any issues affecting the servers. Can be configured to send emails and thresholds have been exceeded.
Enterprise Manager – The Enterprise Manager allows you to manage multiple servers from a centralized location. Can backup databases, configure the server settings, adjust camera settings including frame settings and motion detection thru whole enterprise of DVR’s.
Version 4.0 Supported IP Cameras
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